* Perfect For Pillow Biters - Evason Ana Mandara Hotel, Vietnam. Check in here and you can choose from no less that 16 types of pillows. Everything from a traditional Vietnamese buck wheat filled pillow, a butterfly shaped pillow and scented pillows. Night Night.
*Out Of This World - Hotel Cocoon, Brazil. The building looks like a giant circa 1950's spaceship (see photo). The staff dress in space suit uniforms, the pool changes colour every 5 seconds and notices and menus are addressed to astronauts not guests. Er pass the drugs !
* The Dalia LLama of Hotels - Le Castel,France.The first thing you notice when you check in here at this historic Normandy chateau are a pair of llamas grazing on the lawns. Doctors say these creatures are the ultimate in stress reduction.
* Get Lost In Bed - Art Hotel Luise, Berlin. If you want to revert back to your childhood check in to Room 107 where the bed is 50% oversized in every dimension so when you climb in and get under the vast duvet you feel like a child again. Or if that does not work ask for Room 309 where a sloping bed suspended on chains,along with two aircraft seats and a log book on the fold out table gives the impression of flying though the sky on a plane !