* Dampier Rock Art Complex, Murujuga, Australia.The largest collection of rock art in the world that dates back to 10,000 BC. Industrial development has already damaged 25% and the discovery of natural gas in the area threatens it further.
* Sonargaon-Panama City ,Bangladesh. This ancient city boast architecture dating back to he 15th century. Plague by a host of problems both natural and man made this area is in real area of being wiped out.
* Chinguetti Mosque,Mauritania,West Africa. Located in one of Islams seven holy cities the Mosque was constructed in the 13th century and was a stopping point for Sahara traders. Natural problems from soil erosion to flash flooding to extreme temperatures threatens this UNESCO World heritage site,
* Panama Canal , Panama City,Chargres River. An engineering feat where up to 340 ships a day pass through is becoming silted up decreasing the amounts of ships that can pass.
* Dhangkar Gompa , Himachai Pradesh , India. One of the five major Buddhist monastic centres and built thousands of years ago erosion is causing this important site to literally fade away.
* Old Damascus , Syria. One of the oldest inhabited cities in the world is now being slowly demolished by modern construction.
* Babylon,Iraq. 80km south of Baghdad, Babylon was originally a city of Mesopotamia, regarded as one of the cradles of civilization. Slowly being wiped out by modern warfare.
* Leh Old Town ,Ladakh,India. A rare medieval city of the Himalayas. Changing weather appeterns and heavy rains are threatening the unique architecture.
* The Coral Triangle , Sulu and Sulawesi Seas. Located in the seas between Indonesia,Malaysia and the Philippines the area is hoe to over 450 types of coral. A recent study found 70% of the coral is in danger of being wiped out by over fishing ,coral bleaching,sedimentation and pollution.
* Greenland. The ice is melting folks as global warming keeps on coming. see it before it goes.
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